At Yarra Under 16 players (born 2008 & 2009) are leaders on and off the hockey pitch.
No matter what the skill level each player is an active participant, has a purpose and has a task as part of the team, from ball kids, umpiring, coaching, officiating, mentoring, fundraising, social events, canteen duty, and working bees, we are committed to providing a safe, fun and inclusive environment for all.
The Yarra U16 Program provides for two distinct skill levels of hockey, intermediate and high performance. We strive to create opportunities for players to develop their hockey skills at their own pace through specialist coaching, internal mentoring programs and elite training programs. This includes the internally run club summer competition in February – March, players are also encouraged to participate in Hockey Victoria programs and competitions.
As players bodies mature and new skills are learnt the foundation of the junior game changes, players compete with more endeavour, move faster, hit harder, practise more advanced stick skills and make quicker better hockey decisions, our Yarra U16 games are exciting to watch!
Pathways are available for players striving for higher performance, the U16 players are invited to train with Yarra men and women teams with the majority of U16 players making senior Team debuts.
Yarra U16 players are a talented bunch. Recent Yarra success includes nine players selected for HV Junior State Championship teams two years running, five players making selection into Victoria U16 team, two players into Hockey Club Melbourne Futures Squad and both Yarra U16 teams making the Grand Finals in the 2023 season (U16 Pennant NW, Premiers 2023 and U16 Boys Shield A, Runners up). This followed the success of Yarra U16 Boys Shield B, Premiers for Season 2022. Our Yarra U16 girls also featured in the victorious Yarra Women’s Vic League 1 team.
We encourage all U16 players to try umpiring at the club and as their confidence grows progress to umpiring HV matches and special events. Umpires are managed by the Junior Umpire Coordinator.
Yarra welcomes any player new or returning to hockey and we invite you to come along to U16 training session to meet the players, officials and participate before making any commitment. You will be warmly welcomed and mentored at the session.
You can learn more about our club culture here, we abide by the Hockey Australia Code of Conduct and Yarra has a zero tolerance policy for misconduct. Any breach of the Code of Conduct and is actively reported and addressed.
U16 games are played under lights on a Friday night with game commencing between 7:00 and 9:00pm. The Junior winter competition commences early May and finishes in August with two weeks of finals ending early September. U16 players are encouraged to attend pre season training commencing in early March.
All U16 players train together on Thursday evenings (arrive 5:20pm) 5:30pm – 7:00pm commencing Thursday 22 Feb 2024.
Games are played under lights on a Friday night 7:00 – 9:00pm, commencing Friday 3rd May 2024.
Indoor Hockey is popular and encouraged amongst U16 Cohort. Yarra completes in the Hockey Victoria competition offered in Term 4 (October-December) along with participation in the Hockey Victoria Indoor Club Championships in February/March. You can find out more here.
Details on registration and fees details can be found here and the 2024 membership fee includes a new Yarra shirt for the 2024 season if fees are paid by the cut off date.
Shirt $60, Shorts/Skirts $45, Skort $60, Socks $15.00 (Mouth guard compulsory)
Available from our Merchandise Coordinator open during training Hours or by special request via the U16 Age Coordinator
Please use the contact form on this page to get in touch.
Maria Caven
Under 16 coordinator